Balloon Fiesta 2008 Oct 4-12, 2008

Sam Bradshaw and Tom Fisher

In the Beginning

The First Day - Tom Flying Diana and MaryAnn

The First Day - Tom's Flight (From the Air) with Diana and MaryAnn

The First Day - Balloons and the Breezy Rider Crew

The Second Day - No Flying it Rained

The Third Day - We did not Fly as the Winds Where Very High

The Fourth Day - Sam's Flight with Bill and Jean

The Fourth Day - Sam's Flight (From the Air) with Bill and Jean

The Fourth Day - Sam's Flight Continues with Monika and Maggie

The Fifth Day of Flying - South Winds, Some Balloons Flew

The Sixth Day - Sam's Flight with our Visitor from Germany

The Sixth Day - Sam's Boards New Passingers and Continues the Flight

The Sixth Day - Sam's Pinpoint Landing in a Cul-de-sac

The Seventh Day - Tom's Flight with Carrie and Mike

The Seventh Day - Scenes After Tom's Flight

The Eight Day, We Did Not Fly Because of Strong Southerly Winds

The Ninth Day, The Weather is Lousy but a Good Day to Shop for Bargains

Breezy Rider Crew

Barbara, Bill, Carrie, Dave, Diana, Faye, Jean, Jeff, Karen, MaryAnn,
Mike Fisher, Mike Seabrook, Monika, Pam, Sam, and Tom
Breezy Rider Guests
Cindy, Maggie, Sid, Tony, and Wolf
